- CIUHCT @ Ciências Research and Innovation Week 2023
19 October 2023
CIUHCT marca presença na 5.ª edição do Ciências Research & Innovation Day da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, no dia 24 de outubro, um evento que faz parte da acção mais alargada Ciências Research and Innovation Week 2023.
- Samuel Gessner on the team behind the successful application for the Eisinga Planetarium (Netherlands) to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site
04 October 2023
Samuel Gessner was part of the team of historians and experts who drew up the dossier to nominate the Royal Eise Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker (Holland) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- HoST indexed in the SCOPUS database
22 September 2023
A HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology está agora indexada na base de dados SCOPUS.
- CIUHCT at the Global Festival for the History of Science on 29 September
20 September 2023
CIUHCT will be present at the Global Festival for the History of Science, which is taking place online throughout the 24 hours of 29 September. Ana Duarte Rodrigues e M. Luísa Sousa will be, respectively, speaker and moderator in two sessions of this festival.
- CIUHCT doctoral students Carmo Lacerda, Diego Cavalcanti Araújo e Pier Luigi Pireddu win FCT Doctoral Research Scholarships
31 July 2023
FCT released today the provisional results of the Call for PhD Research Grants in all Scientific Domains 2023 and Carmo Lacerda, Diego Cavalcanti Araújo e Pier Luigi Pireddu, PhD students at CIUHCT, won FCT PhD Research Grants.
- Beatriz Medori and Šima Krtalić received annual honour from FCUL's DHFC
31 July 2023
Beatriz Medori e Šima Krtalić received the annual honour from the Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences (DHFC) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
- COST Action CA22159 - National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000 approved
26 July 2023
Isabel Amaral is the national representative in this COST Action, of which CIUHCT is co-responsible and which was approved on 12 May 2023. It's led by Barry Doyle, Professor of Health History, University of Huddersfield (UK).
- Šima Krtalić is awarded the biannual Imago Mundi Prize 2023
03 July 2023
Šima Krtalić receives Imago Mundi's biannual prize for the best paper in the history of cartography.
- Opening of the exhibition Pelos Labirintos da Medicina Portuguesa nos Séculos XIX e XX (Labyrinths of Portuguese Medicine in the 19th and 20th Centuries) at the Museu da Farmácia
22 June 2023
Opening of the exhibition Pelos Labirintos da Medicina Portuguesa nos Séculos XIX e XX (Labyrinths of Portuguese Medicine in the 19th and 20th Centuries), at the Museu da Farmácia, curated by Isabel Amaral and Paula Basso, deputy director of the Museu da Farmácia, which will be open until 30 September.
- New issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology (17.1, June 2023) now online
22 June 2023
Este número inclui um editorial efetuado pela equipa que coordenou a edição da revista durante os últimos três ano “Editorial: Reflections on HoST’s Last Triennium,” de Cristina Luís, Davide Scarso, Luís Tirapicos e Samuel Gessner.