Mathematical Cultures
Samuel Gessner (CIUHCT), Daniele Molinini (CFCUL)

In recent studies ‘mathematical culture’ has been referred to with increasing frequency. However, the attempts to characterize a notion of mathematical culture have shown that it is difficult to find a notion that proves of general validity, or that enjoys general acceptance. Simultaneously, they show that scholars now agree to analyze mathematical knowledge, as a social product, in connection to the context(s) in which it is produced, expressed, used and transmitted. In this cycle of seminars we shall not adopt one notion of mathematical culture from the start. Rather, we propose to look at three pivotal dimensions to provide a framework for such a notion: the intellectual, the formal and the social dimensions. We see these three dimensions as multifaceted and intertwined when we examine the way in which mathematics unfolds (diachronically and synchronically). Using different case studies, the seminars will discuss their dynamic relations.
- Recreational Mathematics Colloquium 8 | Gathering for Gardner Europe
26 January to 29 January 2025
Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Mathematical Culture in a Maritime Context
12 July 2022 · 14h00
[Online]Mathematical Cultures #8, com Henrique Leitão
- Why would anyone not take a cultural approach to mathematics?
30 June 2022 · 14h00
[Online]Mathematical Cultures #7, com Brendan Larvor (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
- Changing approaches to equations in Cardano’s works: proportions, shapes, substitutions
14 June 2022 · 14h00
[Online]Mathematical Cultures #6, com Sara Confalonieri (HPS, Université Paris Cité & SPHERE, CNRS)
- Reasoning vs. Calculation: Two Cultures of Proof in the 19th Century?
17 May 2022 · 14h00-16h00
[Online]Mathematical Cultures #5, com Caroline Ehrhardt (Université Paris 8, Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l’Economie et de la Société - IDHE.S, UMR 8533)
- Ideologies and Mathematical Cultures in the 20th Century
26 April 2022 · 14h00
[Online] - The Mathematical Cultures of Alfonsine Astronomers
05 April 2022 · 14h00
[Online] - Mathematical Education as Culture: The Case of Bernard Bolzano in Prague
15 March 2022 · 14h00
[Online]Seminário Mathematical Cultures, com Davide Crippa (Universidade Ca' Foscari, Veneza)