Catarina Madruga
Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, FCUL
research interests
- History of Natural History. Institutions, Collections and Material Culture (19th-20th centuries);
- Circulation of Knowledge – Networks and Correspondence;
- Science in the imperial context.
- "Taxonomy and Empire. Zoogeographical research on Portuguese Africa, 1862-1881". PhD project in History and Philosophy of Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. Supervisor: Ana Simões, 2013-2019.
- "Antropolands - Engineering the Anthropocene: The role of colonial Science, Technology and Medicine on changing of the African landscape", (PTDC/IVC-HFC/6789/2014), 2016-2018.
- Catarina Madruga, "Expert at a Distance. Barbosa du Bocage and the Production of Scientific Knowledge on Africa", HoST - Journal for the History of Science and Technology, 11 (2017), 57-74.
- Catarina Madruga, Francisco Malta Romeiras, "360º Ciência Descoberta. Um Esboço Historiográfico", Brotéria, 176 (2013), 281-284.
- Catarina Madruga, "José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage (1823-1907). A construção de uma persona científica". Dissertação de Mestrado em História e Filosofia das Ciências (Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013).
- Catarina Madruga, "The Zoological Collections of the Museu de Lisboa and the Networks of Scientific Correspondence and Exchange (1858-1898)" in Antoni Roca-Rosell (ed.), The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHA, Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010 (Barcelona: SCHCT-IEC, 2012), pp.928-934.