- Anthropocene Forum 2021 kicks off June 15
07 June 2021
The Anthropocene Forum 2021, which runs from 15 to 17 June, will discuss the need for an inclusive EU agenda to address the challenges arising from a rapidly changing planet, promoting critical knowledge, sustainable innovation and a new educational paradigm.
- AQUA participates in CE3c's Agroecological Caravan at Rádio Movimento
04 June 2021
Ana Duarte Rodrigues presents the AQUA project on Caravana Agroecológica, broadcasted by Rádio Movimento, at the invitation of ce3c - FCUL.
- Jorge Nuno Silva participated in the RTP 2 program Visita Guiada
25 May 2021
Jorge Nuno Silva participates in the program "Visita Guiada", in an episode about Social Games and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Lisbon.
- Cristina Luís talks about Citizen Science in Antena 3's podcast
25 May 2021
Episode on Citizen Science from the podcast "But This Has Nothing To Do", with Cristina Luís.
- Return of cE3c Advanced Courses in partnership with CIUHCT
21 May 2021
The Advanced Courses of cE3c in partnership with CIUHCT are back, with Cristina Luís as one of those responsible for the courses "Production of Science Communication Activities" and "Strategies for citizen engagement in science communication".
- CIUHCT researchers participate in Expert's Report on European Humanities
07 May 2021
Researchers Ana Simões and Maria Paula Diogo contribute text to the Expert’s Report on European Humanities, the basis of the most recent European Branch of the World Humanities Report.
- "Einstein, Eddington e o Eclipse" on the "best-of” list of all time on reputed comics website
30 April 2021
Einstein, Eddington e o Eclipse is one of the best comics ever under the rubric "Eurocomics Spotlight" on Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse.
- AQUA Project researcher Clara Marques receives Fulbright Scholarship
28 April 2021
Clara Marques, research fellow at the AQUA Project, receives Fulbright Scholarship.
- Ivo Louro co-edits a special issue of "Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia"
22 April 2021
Ivo Louro co-edits a special issue of the Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia journal, with a dossier dedicated to A Sonic Anthropocene – Sound Practices in a Changing Environment.
- Catarina Madruga wins FCiências.ID 2020 award
21 April 2021
Catarina Madruga's thesis wins the FCiência.ID Award in 2020, in the field of History and Philosophy of Sciences.