New issue of "Gardens and Landscapes of Portugal" (Vol. 7, issue 1, 2021) now online
01 February 2022
Gardens and Landscapes of Portugal is a journal founded in 2013 on gardens and landscapes of Portugal history, as well as covers topics of environmental history, history of art and science regarding gardens and landscapes and historic gardens restoration. Ana Duarte Rodrigues is the editor-in-chief.
The new issue came out in December 2021 and includes an introduction by Ana Duarte Rodrigues, as well as papers by Patrícia Trindade Monteiro, Clara Marques e Ignacio García-Pereda.
Table of contents
Introduction: Scope, Goals and Outcomes of AQUA’s Project
Ana Duarte Rodrigues
The Strength of the Tide in the Tagus Estuary
Patrícia Trindade Monteiro
Water and Enlightened Techniques: The Azuda (Waterwheel) of Aranjuez (Spain)
Magdalena Merlos Romero e Victoria Soto Caba
The Development of Industrial Activity in Tomar: a Study on the Unpublished Document of Bernardo Daniel de Moraes Requirement
Clara Marques
Modelling the Water Supply System of the National Palace of Queluz Gardens
Raquel Cristina, Laura Monteiro, Ana Duarte Rodrigues e Dídia Covas
Book Reviews: Michael J. Harrower, Water Histories and Spatial Archaeology: Ancient Yemen and the American West, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 224 pp
Ignacio García-Pereda
Book Reviews: Mohammed El Faпz, Os Mestres da Бgua: Histуria da Hidrбulica Бrabe, Olhгo: Universidade do Algarve, 2018
Ana Duarte Rodrigues