Isadora Monteiro
PhD Student
Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, FCUL
- History and Philosophy of Science (Classical Antiquity and Modern Age. Origins of Science. Material Culture. Experimental HFC. Methods and practices in HFC);
- Science Communication.
- PhD thesis project in History and Philosophy of Sciences (ongoing 2023-2027): Mãos que moldaram o olhar: um estudo sobre as origens e o fabrico dos primeiros telescópios na Europa no início do século XVII [Hands that shaped the eye: a study on the origins and manufacture of the first telescopes in Europe in the early 17th century]. Supervised by Luís Tirapicos and co-supervised by Henrique Leitão. (Doctoral grant FCT/ACL PRT/BD/154421/2022).
- Monteiro, Isadora. As forças que equilibram o universo: revisitando Robert Hooke. Dissertação de mestrado em História e Filosofia das Ciências pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Orientação de Ricardo Lopes Coelho. Conclusão: 2022.
Publications (selection)
- Costa, Ilídio; Reis, Ricardo Cardoso; Almeida, Filipa Bessa, Monteiro, Isadora. “From science communication to science education: the educational assessment of an outreach oriented science center”. INTED2023 Proceedings (2023):5638- 5644.
- Monteiro, Isadora. “On Hooke’s Rule of Nature”. History of Science and Technology 12, 2 (2022):249-261. 2-249-261.