Time, Science and Society — 150 Years of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa
06 October 2011 · 21h30

About the image
Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon, Ajuda. Credits: OAL, 1960.
- Inter-University Centre for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT)
- Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon (OAL)
- Institut Français du Portugal
- Françoise Le Guet Tully, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Keynote)
- Simon Werrett, University of Washington (Keynote)
- Rita Batista (Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon)
- Luis Carolino (CIUHCT-UL)
- Marta Lourenço (CIUHCT and Museum of Science, UL)
- Halima Naimova (OAL)
- Pedro Raposo (CIUHCT-UL)
- Ana Simões (CIUHCT-UL)
- Conceição Tavares (CIUHCT-UL)
- Tempos de Vista Artist Collective