New E3 book presented with two CIUHCT exhibitions, at the Faculty of Sciences (Lisbon)
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Atrium of the C6 Building
19 December 2019 · 17h00

After being on display at the Library of the Faculty of Science and Technology (NOVA), the exhibitions E3 and The Eagle Has Landed reach the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, at the exhibition spaces of the buildings C6 (atrium) and C4 (Galeria Ciências).
The inaugurations will take place in the atrium of the C6 building, together with the launch of a new book associated with the E3 exhibition, Impressões de Viagem/Travel Impressions, an unusual publication, part essay by the exhibition's scientific curator, Ana Simões, and part comic book, produced in collaboration with the visual artist Ana Matilde de Sousa. The launch will have the presence of the book's publisher, Marcos Farrajota (Chili Com Carne), and the commentary of historian Jorge Flores (CIUHCT-ULisboa) and journalist Sara Figueiredo Costa (Expresso, LER).