Atravessando a Porta do Pacífico. Roteiros e Relatos da Travessia do Estreito de Magalhães
- Author(s)
- Year
- 2020
- Journal
- Nr. of Pages
- 352
- 978-989-54823-3-7

Atravessando a Porta do Pacífico. Roteiros e Relatos da Travessia do Estreito de Magalhães, 1520-1620, published in 2020 by ByTheBook for the Estrutura de Missão V Centenário Fernão de Magalhães, collects the most relevant rutters and travel reports of the crossing of the Strait of Magellan in the first century of its exploration; that is, from 1520, date of the expedition commanded by Ferdinand Magellan, until 1620, right after the crossing during the famous voyage of the Nodal brothers. In order to guide and contextualize the reading, the published documents are preceded by an introduction, a chronology/synthesis of the expeditions sent to the Strait between 1520-1620, a preliminary study entitled From cemetery of ships to the noblest channel: One hundred years of expeditions to the Strait of Magellan, and an extensive bibliography on the history of the Strait of Magellan.