Vol. V das Obras de Pedro Nunes — In Theoricas Planetarum Georgii Purbachii Annotationes
- Author(s)
Pedro Nunes, Henrique Leitão et al. (eds)
- Publisher
- Lisboa: Academia das Ciências de Lisboa e Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Year
- 2011
- Nr. of Pages
- 465
- 978-972-31-1422-5

SINOPSE (em inglês)
"The publication of Nunes's works in a modern edition, with translations and detailed annotations was a two centuries old ambition of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. In the nineteenth century and in the early twentieth century the first attempts were made to start an edition. In 1940-60 a very important, but incomplete, effort was made by a group of academicians leaded by Joaquim de Carvalho. But after that, nothing more.
In 2002 the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, with the financial support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation launched the project of a new edition. They invited me to head the Scientific Commission of this very ambitious project. This was a very honorable and very challenging invitation and (with some trepidation, I must confess) I accepted. The Project was publicly announced in December 2002 in a solemn session at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. The President of Portugal (at the time Dr. Jorge Sampaio) was there and gave a speech.
After ten years it is possible to say that objectives were reached. All printed works of Pedro Nunes have been published in a modern edition, with careful translations (when the originals are Latin) and extensive annotations. The only volumes that are still to be published (already in advanced state of preparation) are somewhat supplementary to the main objectives (manuscripts and biographical materials)." — Henrique Leitão, Pedro Nunes's Complete Works
- «In Theoricas Planetarum Purbachii Annotationes», [Texto latino], p. 3-140.
- «Anotações às Teóricas dos Planetas de Jorge Purbáquio», [Tradução], p. 143-294.
- Notas, por Henrique Leitão, p. 297-453.