CIUHCT @ Science and Technology Week
18 November 2021

CIUHCT participates in the Science and Technology Week, an initiative to disseminate science by Ciência Viva, with sessions such as:
- O que é investigar História da Ciência?, with Pedro Freitas, Ana Duarte Rodrigues, Francisco Malta Romeiras, Luís Ribeiro e Inês Bénard da Costa (Science Café, 23rd at 14h);
- From the ocean to the digital text do projecto RUTTER (Open doors, 22nd at 15h, requires prior registration);
- História da Medicina na cidade do Porto. O que aprendemos com os espaços médicos? (debate on the 25th, at 14h, requires prior registration here, link shown below), with Monique Palma e Isabel Amaral;
- Film session featuring Palimpsest of the Africa Museum, de Matthias de Groof, an event coordinated by Hugo Soares (dia 26).
The videos O Uso Inteligente da Água no Seixal, by Patrícia Monteiro, and Demasiado Humano - performance em vídeo, by Daniel Gamito Marques, are also disseminated.