Luís Tirapicos
FCT Junior Researcher
Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, FCUL
Research Interests
- History of astronomy;
- History of science in Portugal
- Material culture of science and history of scientific instruments;
- Arqueoastronomy and ethnoastronomy
- "Ciência e diplomacia na corte de D. João V: a acção de João Baptista Carbone, 1722-1750". PhD dissertation project in History and Philosophy of Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Supervisor: Henrique Leitão. (FCT/MCTES, SFRH/BD/78881/2011) (2012-2017) [concluded].
- "No trilho dos instrumentos: Os Gabinetes Reais de Filosofia Natural em Portugal (séculos XVIII-XIX)", (PTDC/HIS-HCT/098970/2008), 2010-2012.
- “Percurso Científico do Património da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa”, (HC/0074/2009).
- “Abrir caminho à integração da investigação de base documental e material em história da ciência: Preservação, acessibilidade e estudos de caso no Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa", (PTDC/HCT/64181/2006), 2008-2011.
- "Thesaurus de Instrumentos Científicos em Língua Portuguesa", 2006-2011
publications (selection)
- Luís Tirapicos, Thomas Horst, “Francesco Bianchini (1662–1729) and the Origins of Planetary Globes”, Nuncius, 35:2 (2020), 251-273.
Luís Tirapicos, “On the censorship of Tycho Brahe’s books in Iberia”, Annals of Science, 77:1 (2020), 96-107.
Luís Tirapicos, "Bibliographical Evolutions: From Archaeoastronomy to Astronomy in Culture", Isis, 110:S1 (2019), 1-12.
Nuno Crato, Luís Tirapicos, O Eclipse de Einstein - Entre Lisboa, Londres e o Príncipe (Lisboa: CTT, 2019).
Luís Tirapicos, "The Old and the New Rome: Francesco Bianchini’s astronomical exchanges with the court of Lisbon", Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16 (2016), 503-508.
Fernando Pimenta, Luís Tirapicos, "Megalithic Cromlechs of Iberia", in Clive Ruggles (ed.), Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (New York: Springer, 2015), pp. 1153-1162.
Luís Tirapicos, "Instruments and Astronomical Observations at the Jesuit College of Santo Antão-o-Novo, 1722-1759", in Luís Saraiva (ed.), History of Astronomy in Portugal. Institutions, Theories, Practices (Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia, 2014), pp. 65-84.
Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Samuel Gessner, Luís Tirapicos, "Astronomy and 'azulejo' Panels in Portuguese Jesuit Colleges", in F. Pimenta, N. Ribeiro, F. Silva, N. Campion, A. Joaquinito, L. Tirapicos (eds.), SEAC 2011 Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015), pp. 314-317.
Fernando Pimenta, Luís Tirapicos, Andrew Smith, "A Bayesian approach to the orientations of central Alentejo megalithic enclosures", Archaeoastronomy – The Journal of Astronomy in Culture, 22 (2009), 1-20.
Michael Hoskin and Colleagues, "Studies in Iberian Archaeoastronomy (8): Orientations of Megalithic and Tholos Tombs of Portugal and Southwest Spain", Archaeoastronomy - Supplement to Journal for the History of Astronomy, 32 (2001), S45-S64.