more4nature - Empowering citizens in collaborative environmental compliance assurance via MOnitoring, REporting and action
Cristina Luís
Esther Marín-González
Eva Monteiro
Patrícia Tiago
Inês Teixeira do Rosário
Patrícia Garcia Pereira
Funded by Horizon Europe (Research and Innovation Actions) under grant agreement num. 101133983. Co-funded by UKRI grant numbers: 10108638 UNEP-WCMC and 10110989 Earthwatch Europe.
Descrição do Projecto (em inglês)
The more4nature project endeavours to catalyse transformative change related to zero pollution, biodiversity protection, and deforestation prevention by actively involving citizens and communities as key stakeholders in collaborative Environmental Compliance Assurance (ECA). More4nature will deepen the role of citizens and communities in ECA by developing a series of actions that include fostering and supporting collaboration among citizen science initiatives and authorities to cover data gaps and shape policy monitoring frameworks. In Portugal, the more4nature team is working on two case studies to reverse the decline of pollinators: at the national level, in collaboration with the coordinators of the Plano de Ação para a Conservação e Sustentabilidade dos Polinizadores, and at the local level, with the Municipality of Oeiras.
Objetivos (em inglês)
SO1: Improved understanding of the socio-technical dynamics in transformative changes, especially regarding the changing roles of citizens, communities and authorities in monitoring, protecting and improving the environment with respect to zero pollution, biodiversity protection and deforestation prevention.
SO2: Trusted and FAIR citizen data governance and data management approaches to allow data to be in the European Green Deal Data Space, to enable the sharing, community validation and reuse of citizen-generated data and information as complementary to official observations.
SO3: Generation of indicators using the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as a platform.
SO4: Empower citizens and communities by contributing complementary and accepted data, realising the importance of environmental compliance assurance and co-designing actions with local authorities to protect their environment in diverse LivingLabs for EU Missions via capacity building, guidance and tools.
SO5: Transform current practices of authorities and national agencies by enabling them to combine authoritative data and citizens science data to better report on progress in monitoring frameworks.