Not-human, Not-fly
- Author(s)
- Publisher
- Year
- 2020
- Nr. of Pages
- 68 (Book 1), 146 (Book 2)
- 978-989-33-0159-3

Description (BY THE AUTHOR)
Not-human, Not-fly is an artist book stemming from an interdisciplinary research project combining ecocriticism, science studies, fan fiction and the graphic arts to discuss the concept of the posthuman, using David Cronenberg's The Fly as case study. What is the "posthuman" and what can this concept mean, first, to a historically-situated idea of what being human is and how human beings have participated in the ecological and geological transformation of the planet, and second, as a science fiction trope predicted by evolutionary biology: that, one day, humankind may give birth to something else entirely.
This book explores these questions through a written essay, drawings, digital paintings, and a database of DNA sequences “belonging” to the mutant creature in The Fly, exploring paths not taken by the film. In doing so, it aims to understand The Fly's creature as a picture of Dorian Gray that reveals not some underlying immorality, but the terms for living in an age of systematic environmental destruction that has been called the Anthropocene.