What is a nautical chart, really?
Hydrographic Institute, Trinas street, 49, Lisbon
19 May 2023 · 09h00

Final exhibition of the Medea-Chart (The Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Charts: Birth, Evolution and Use), opened on Thursday, May 18, at the Hydrographic Institute and will be on display until September this year. The exhibition presents some of the results achieved in the research project on the History of Nautical Cartography, funded by the ERC.
An up-to-date view of the fascinating nautical charts of the past, focused on the processes of construction and use revealed by modern techniques of geometric analysis and physical examination of the manuscripts.
It's possible to visit from 19 May, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. For group bookings, email in advance to cultura@hidrografico.pt.