- New issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology (16.2, December 2022) now online
27 December 2022
This thematic dossier includes a preface by Dipesh Chakrabarty and an introduction by guest editors Maria Paula Diogo, José Luís Câmara Leme and Davide Scarso, followed by four articles dedicated to the Anthropocene, a concept that allows the discussion of numerous issues among various groups in society and different contexts of analysis. Some of these contexts of analysis are presented in this issue.
- Lançamento da rede Anthropocene Commons com participação do CIUHCT
27 December 2022
Em dezembro, foi lançada a rede Anthropocene Commons, um projecto descendente do Anthropocene Curriculum, liderado pela Haus der Kulturen der Welt e o Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, que está agora no processo de descentralização para incluir os seus colaboradores internacionais, nos quais se inclui o CIUHCT.
- Henrique Leitão and José Maria Moreno Madrid win the Almirante Teixeira da Mota Award
02 December 2022
Henrique Leitão e José María Moreno Madrid ganham (em ex-aequo) o Prémio Almirante Teixeira da Mota pelo seu livro Desenhando a Porta do Pacífico.
- Obra de José Avelãs Nunes galardoada com prémio "Lusitania" da Academia Portuguesa de História
15 November 2022
O livro de José Avelãs Nunes A arquitectura branca: os sanatórios para a tuberculose em Portugal, editado pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia e By the Book, venceu o prémio “Lusitania” da Academia Portuguesa de História, de 2022.
- Maria Paula Diogo interviewed by ALMADA magazine
07 November 2022
Maria Paula Diogo is interviewed for ALMADA magazine: "a historian in a universe of engineers and scientists, Maria Paula Diogo is a beacon within the study of technology and insists on affirming Portuguese history in the European context".
- Ana Duarte Rodrigues wins Scientific Merit Award @ Ciências Research Day 2022
28 October 2022
Ana Duarte Rodrigues wins Scientific Merit Award in the area of History and Philosophy of Science at Ciências Research Day 2022.
- Francisco Malta Romeiras wins ULisboa/CGD Scientific Prize
24 October 2022
Francisco Malta Romeiras wins ULisboa/CGD Scientific Prize
- Patricia Monteiro (AQUA) wins Best Master Award 2020/21 from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
21 October 2022
Patricia Monteiro (AQUA) wins the Best Master 2020/21 award for the Master's course in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning, FCT and FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- CIUHCT @ Ciências Research Day 2022
21 October 2022
CIUHCT is present at the 4th edition of the CIÊNCIAS Research Day of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, taking place on October 26, 2022.
- Ana Simões ends term as vice president of ESHS
12 September 2022
Ana Simões ended her term as Vice-President of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) on 10 September 2022, completing six years of having been involved in the management of the ESHS.