- CIUHCT encourages and welcomes applications for Doctoral Scholarships under the Foz Côa Foundation and FCT.IP protocol 2
13 May 2024
CIUHCT is encouraging applications for doctoral scholarships under the protocol between the Foz Côa Foundation and FCT.IP, through the research unit and associated doctoral programs - Doctoral Program in History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology (NOVA School of Science and Technology) and Doctoral Program in History of Science (FCUL). The call is open until May 31, 2023, at 17:00 (Lisbon time).
- CIUHCT tem um contrato no Emprego Científico Individual - 6ª Edição
04 December 2023
Nos 400 novos contratos atribuídos no âmbito do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual - 6.ª Edição, o CIUHCT obteve um contrato, sendo que o CIUHCT continua a posicionar como um centro de referência.
- CIUHCT doctoral students Carmo Lacerda, Diego Cavalcanti Araújo e Pier Luigi Pireddu win FCT Doctoral Research Scholarships
31 July 2023
FCT released today the provisional results of the Call for PhD Research Grants in all Scientific Domains 2023 and Carmo Lacerda, Diego Cavalcanti Araújo e Pier Luigi Pireddu, PhD students at CIUHCT, won FCT PhD Research Grants.
- COST Action CA22159 - National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000 approved
26 July 2023
Isabel Amaral is the national representative in this COST Action, of which CIUHCT is co-responsible and which was approved on 12 May 2023. It's led by Barry Doyle, Professor of Health History, University of Huddersfield (UK).
- MoPRA opens scholarships for a PhD Student or MSc enrolled in a non-degree course
28 April 2023
This position is initially open for 3 months and is due to start in July 2023. The fellowship contract may be potentially renewed until the end of the project, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation of Research Fellowships from the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.
- Bárbara Direito co-researcher of Small Research Grant awarded by British Academy/Leverhulme
12 September 2022
Bárbara Direito is a co-researcher of a British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant approved for funding, entitled "Climate history of nineteenth century of Mozambique".
- CIUHCT has a contract in the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Individual Call - 5th Edition
02 August 2022
In the 400 contracts awarded within the scope of the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Individual Call - 5th Edition, CIUHCT obtained one contract, with CIUHCT once again positioning itself as a reference center.
- CIUHCT wins project in the FCT R&D Projects '22 Call
29 July 2022
CIUHCT wins project in the FCT R&D Projects '22 Call with Maria Elvira Callapez as Principal Investigator.
- CIUHCT is an participating institution participating in a winning project in the FCT R&D Projects '22 Call
29 July 2022
CIUHCT is a participating institution in a winning project in the FCT R&D Projects '22 Call, with Paula Urze as a Responsible Co-Investigator.
- Concurso para Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoral
27 January 2022
O concurso irá decorrer até ao próximo dia 9 de Fevereiro, com início de trabalhos previsto para Março de 2022.