New issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology (18.1, June 2024) now online
01 July 2024
HoST is a peer-reviewed open access journal, published online in English by Sciendo, and results of a partnership between four Portuguese research units (CIUHCT, CIDEHUS, ICS e IHC).
The full issue is available here: HoST—Journal of History of Science and Technology
We invite all interested to submit your work following the guidelines available on HoST's website.
Thematic Dossier: “Empire under the Night Sky: Recording Astral-Cosmography in Qing Dynasty China, 17th – 19th Centuries”
Introduction: Empire under the Night Sky: Recording Astral-Cosmography in Qing Dynasty China, 17th – 19th Centuries, Tristan G. Brown
Fenye by the Numbers: A Quantitative Analysis of Astrological Contents in Chinese Local Gazetteers, Shih-Pei Chen
An Encounter of Incommensurables: European Cosmological Knowledge in the Fenye Chapters of Chinese Local Gazetteers (1660-1820), Huiyu Wu
From Fenye to Fengshui: Applying Correlative Cosmography in Late Imperial China, Tristan G. Brown
From Fenye to Latitude and Longitude: The Adjustment and Renewal of the Positioning System in Chinese Local Gazetteers during Qing Dynasty, Jiajing Zhang
It also includes one article in the section Varia
From the “dirty port” to the Disinfection Service of the Port of Rio de Janeiro (1893-1911), Thiago Mantuano
In this issue you can also find three Book Reviews
Book Review: Ignacio García-Pereda. Sacadores de Corcho – Tiradores de Cortiça: Una Memoria Oral, Ana Duarte Rodrigues
Book Review: Stephanie Joy Mawson. Incomplete Conquests: The Limits of Spanish Empire in the Seventeenth-Century Philippines, Jorge Flores
Book Review: 司宏伟. 神机妙算会“银河”——中国第一台 巨型计算机“银河-I”的研制、创新、影响 [Si Hongwei. The Development, Innovation and Impact of the First Supercomputer YH-1 in China], Zhao Ke