Launch of the website Field Scientists in the Portuguese Empire (FiSciPe)
13 January 2019

CIUHCT researcher Cláudia Castelo's Investigador FCT project, Field Scientists in the ‘Luso-Tropical Setting’: Knowledge, Ideology and Governance in Late Portuguese Empire (FiSciPE), is wrapping up, and has launched a website that aims to present its findings to the public.
We highlight the searchable database, which gathers data from organisms and research personnel directly, or indiretly, involved in field work in the portuguese colonies, between the 1930s and the 1970s.
The main documental sources for the construction of this database were the files from the Executive Comission of the Junta das Missões Geográficas e de Investigações Coloniais /do Ultramar (JIC/JIU), at the Arquivo Histórico do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (University of Lisbon), and primary sources published by the Junta itself. Content is still being added, expanded, and reviewed, and feedback is very appreciated at this stage.