Simpósio ISHMap 2016 — "Encounters and Translations: Mapping and Writing the Waters of the World"
Auditório da Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa
03 June to 04 June 2016

Sobre a Imagem
Map of Lopo Homem, around 1550 (BNP)
- Thomas Horst (Trustee of ISHMap and Postdoc at the Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology [CIUHCT], University of Lisbon)
- Antonio Sánchez Martínez (CIUHCT, University of Lisbon)
- João Carlos García (University of Porto and CIUHCT, University of Lisbon)
- Maria Joaquina Esteves Feijão (Curator of the Maps at the National Library of Portugal)
The symposium is open to all interested in the subject and will particularly give junior academics the opportunity to present their work in map history to the wider community. ISHMap is the first and only international academic society whose objectives are to advance the study of the history of maps in all societies and over all periods of time.
Comité Científico
- Thomas Horst (ISHMap trustee and CIUHCT),
- Emmanuelle Vagnon (Trustee, France)
- Antti Jakobson (ISHMap trustee, Finland),
- Júnia Ferreira Furtado (ISHMap trustee, Brazil),
- Mary Sponberg Pedley (ISHMap member, USA)
- Petra Svatek (ISHMap member, Austria).
Datas Relevantes
- September 2015: Announcement of the Call for papers
- December 2015: Deadline for submission of proposals
- January 2016: Announcement of accepted papers
- April 2016: Announcement of final program