2023 #5 Cristina Brito (CHAM, NOVA FCSH), "People(s) and manatees in the early modern Atlantic: A marine environmental history approach"
01 June 2023 · 18h00
Introducing approaches from marine environmental history and historical ecology to address extractions of Amazonian manatees in the early modern period. Part of the ERC Synergy Grant 4-OCEANS, seacows are a taxonomic group that was historically part of the daily life of different societies across the Atlantic and allows highlighting past uses, practices and perceptions about the marine environment. 4-OCEANS aims at providing an assessment of the importance of marine life to human societies during the last two millennia, with a focus on understanding the consequences of marine resource exploitation for societal development.
about the speaker
Cristina Brito is Associate Professor at the History Department at NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, and a researcher at CHAM - Center for the Humanities. She is currently the PI of two EEA Grants Bilateral Funds Initiatives and the co-PI of the ERC Synergy Grant 4-OCEANS: Human History of Marine Life (2021-2027).
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