O arquivo e o historiador
O arquivo e o historiador: Arquivos e história da ciência
06 April 2022 · 11h00

Sessão 5 (6 Abr. 2022, 11h-13h): Arquivos e história da ciência
- Elizabeth Yale, “The Book and the Archive in the History of Science”, Isis 107:1 (2016), pp. 106-115.
- Lorraine Daston, “The Immortal Archive: Nineteenth-Century Science Imagines the Future”, in id. (ed.), Sciences in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), pp. 159-182.
- Geoffrey C. Bower, Memory Practices in the Sciences (Cambridge, Mass: MIT, 2005), cap. 1 (“Synchronization and Synchrony in the Archive: Geology and the 1830s”), pp. 35-73.
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