Launch of the book AQUA: The efficient use of water in modern gardens
Museu da Água, Estação dos Barbadinhos
29 June 2023 · 17h00
Launch of the final book of the project AQUA - The efficient use of water in Modern Gardens, coordinated by Ana Duarte Rodrigues and Patricia Trindade Monteiro, and published by Editora Caleidoscópio.
The book is the result of a multi and interdisciplinary project between the History of Science, Hydraulic Engineering and Landscape Architecture. It will be presented by Professor Henrique Leitão, of FCUL, Professor António Betâmio de Almeida, Emeritus Professor of the Instituto Superior Técnico, and Landscape Architect João Ceregeiro, President of the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects. Thus, we would very much like to invite you to be present at the book launch that will take place at the Water Museum, in Estação dos Barbadinhos, at 5pm on the 29th of June 2023.