Seminário de Formação Avançada em Jardins, Paisagens e Ambiente
La Belleza del Paisaje de la Geria: agricultura en um medio volcánico
24 March 2021 · 14h00

The "AQUA Project - HORTO AQUAM SALUTAREM - Water Wise Management in Gardens in the Early Modern period", with the support of FCT, invites you all to the January edition of the Advanced Training Seminar on Gardens, Landscapes and Environment, which will be held on the 26th, at 2 p.m., via Zoom. The aim is to present La Belleza del Paisaje de la Geria: agricultura en um medio volcánico.
osefina Domínguez-Mujica (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) will give the presentation.
The session is open to the general public and participation is free.
For more information: amnrodrigues@ciencias.ulisboa