4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine
23 June to 24 June 2021

Involved with the organization of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine were Isabel Amaral (presidency, organizing committee and scientific committee), Bárbara Direito (organizing committee and scientific committee) and Ana Duarte Rodrigues (honor committee.)
The 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine and the 2nd National Symposium on the History of Diseases and Healing Arts, organized by the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of São Paulo; by the Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUCHT), University of Lisbon and NOVA University of Lisbon, and by the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Rio de Janeiro), will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, between the 21th and 24th of June 2021, in virtual format.
Submission of papers and details can be found here.
Opening session of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
AQUA at the Thematic Symposium Trees, Water and Health of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
Bárbara Direito at the Thematic Symposium Endemics and pandemics around the world of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
Isabel Amaral moderates the Politics and transnational public health networks panel at the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
Bárbara Direito moderates panel Planetary health, disease, environment and sustainability of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
Isabel Amaral participates in the panel Vaccination and the history of epidemics in the 20th-21st century of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine:
Closing session of the 4th Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine: