Young Hipom Professionals (Yhip 2019) Summer School/Research Seminar
FCT/NOVA, Campus Caparica, Portugal
26 November 2018 · 23h45
The Yhip2019 Summer School/Research Seminar on Historic Polymeric Materials (HIPOMS) and Cultural Heritage Research will combine the Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities Congress with a two-day seminar course.
It intends to be an open forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present, exchange new data and inventive ideas and deepen their knowledge of the history of polymeric materials.
The focus of this meeting is to explore novel perspectives relevant to HIPOMS research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to meaning of HIPOMS in cultural heritage, examples of good practice for the preservation of early and modern HIPOMS, pertinent materials science and cultural research and sources of Hipoms (archaeology, objects, films, design, collections, museums, etc.)
The content of the presentations along with the format of the seminar will encourage free- form discussion and informal gatherings among emerging professionals in the diverse fields that impact historic polymeric materials research and plastics heritage conservation. This format will breed friendships that will hopefully blossom into fruitful collaborations.
All attendees are expected to actively participate in the Yhip2019 either by giving an oral presentation or presenting a poster. Selected participants are invited to give short presentations of their own work as part of the programme.
To apply, please send the following material in a single pdf file to Maria João Melo by, November 26, 2018:
- The title of your talk,
- A short abstract (between 300 and 500 words), - A letter of motivation,
- A CV (2 pages max.),
- A Referee Letter.
Fee of Yhip 2019: 80 Euro (After 30 April: 100 €);
Fee of Yhip 2019 & Conference: 125 Euro (After 30 April: 155 €)
Upon request, the participants will receive a confirmation that the summer school/research seminar is equivalent to a workload of 2 ECTS.
Preliminary program
A preliminary program is currently being developed by the Conference Chair and will be available by December 15, 2018.
- Chairs: Maria João Melo and Maria Elvira Callapez
- Keynotes: Anita Quye; Guenter Lattermann; Robert D. Friedel
- Organizers: Artur Neves; Eva Mariasole Angelin; Susana Sá
- Discussion leaders: chairs; Joana L. Ferreira; Carlos Bernardo, Robert D. Friedel
Ideal for those just entering the industry, or transitioning between sectors, this is a quick, relevant and informative reference guide to plastics engineering and processing for engineers and plastics practitioners.
Key Features
- Provides a single unified reference covering plastics materials, properties, design, processing and applications
- Offers end-to-end coverage of the industry, from formulation to part design, processing, and the final product
- Serves as an ideal introductory book for new plastics engineers and students of plastics engineering
- Provides a convenient reference for more experienced practitioners