Hi-Phi International Conference: uma ponte bem sucedida entre a História e a Filosofia das Ciências
21 junho 2022

A Hi-Phi International Conference decorreu nos dias 23 e 24 de junho, no edifício C8 da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, e contou com Fabrizio Baldassarri, Jutta Schickore, Stathis Psillos e Valeria Giardino como keynote speakers. A conferência foi organizada pelo CIUHCT e pelo CFCUL. O objectivo foi criar uma ponte entre a História e a Filosofia da Ciência, contando com 24 sessões plenárias, ao longo de dois dias.
A conferência teve a honra de contar com a participação do Professor Doutor Luís Carriço, Diretor da FCUL, na Welcoming Session que abriu o evento, o seu primeiro evento do seu segundo mandato.
Sobre os oradores (em inglês)
Fabrizio Baldassarri is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Indiana University Bloomington, with a research project on the study of plants in early modern natural philosophy, entitled: “The Emergence of Science of Plants from Cesalpino to Malpighi.” He has published a monograph on Descartes’s medical studies (Il metodo al tavolo anatomico. Descartes e la medicina, Roma 2021) and two volumes, one on the notion of vegetative powers throughout the centuries with Springer, and one on the history of medicine. He has edited several special issues, on Early Science and Medicine, on the Journal of Early Modern Studies, and on Nuncius. He has widely published on Descartes’s studies, on on botany in early modern natural philosophy, and on gardens.
Jutta Schickore is Ruth N. Halls Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Indiana University. Her research interests include philosophical and scientific debates about scientific methods in the past and present, particularly about (non)replicability, failure, error, and negative results; historical and philosophical aspects of microscopy; and the relation between history and philosophy of science. Her latest book is About Method: Experimenters, Snake Venom, and the History of Writing Scientifically (University of Chicago Press, 2017).
Stathis Psillos is Professor of Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics at the University of Athens (Greece), and associate faculty at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy (Canada). He is the author of over 100 papers and reviews, and published several books, including the award winning The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science,with Martin Curd, (Routledge, 2008 — Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2008), and Causation and Explanation, (Acumen, 2002 & McGill-Queens University Press, 2003 — Prize of the Presidents of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science for the best textbook in the Philosophy of Science). He is currently the editor of the journal Metascience. He was among the founders of European Philosophy of Science Association. His research interests include scientific realism, causation, explanation and the history of philosophy of science.
Valeria Giardino studied Logic and Epistemology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” where she also obtained her PhD. She worked as a Postdoc at the Institut Jean Nicod, Columbia University, the University of Seville, and the Freie University of Berlin. Since October 2015, she is Permanent researcher (CRCN) at the CNRS. From 2015 to 2018, she was affiliated to the Henri Poincaré Archives in Nancy. Her main research interests are diagrammatic reasoning, in particular in the sciences, and the cognitive bases of mathematical reasoning.