Ricardo Lopes Coelho
Professor Auxiliar com Agregação
Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, FCUL
Interesses de investigação
- História e Fundamentos de Mecânica.
- "A Física dos Princípios e a Epistemologia Científica: os casos de Mach, Hertz e Poincaré", (PTDC/FIL-FCI/116939/2010).
Publicações (selecção)
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "On the Concept of Energy: Eclecticism and Rationality", Science & Education (online first) (2013).
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, John Stachel, "On Schrödinger's equation, Hertz's mechanics and Van Vleck's determinant", European Journal of Physics, 34 (2013), 953-974.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "Could HPS Improve Problem-Solving?", Science & Education, 22 (2013), 1043-1068.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "On the Definition of Mass in Mechanics: Why Is It So Difficult?", The Physics Teacher, 50 (2012), 304-6; July, Letters, L2-3.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "Conceptual Problems in the Foundations of Mechanics", Science & Education, 21:9 (2012), 1337-1356.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "On the Concept of Force: How Understanding its History Can Improve Physics Teaching", Science & Education, 19 (2010), 91-113.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "On the Concept of Energy: How Understanding its History Can Improve Physics Teaching", Science & Education, 18 (2009), 961-983.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "The Law of Inertia: How Understanding its History Can Improve Physics Teaching", Science & Education, 16 (2007), 955-974.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, "Les Équations des Règles du Choc de Descartes", Physis, XLII (2005), 223-233.
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho, Zur Konzeption der Kraft der Mechanik, (Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2001).
Participação em Sociedades Científicas e outras Instituições
- International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group: Membro do IHPSTG Nominating Committee (2011-2015).