Celia Miralles Buil
Investigadora Doutorada (Pós-doc)
Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, FCUL
Interesses de investigação
- Saúde e ambiente urbano no sul da Europa (sécs. XIX-XX);
- Mar, portos, migrações e controle sanitário nas cidades mediterrâneas e atlânticas (sécs. XIX-XX);
- História urbana da Ciência;
- História ambiental urbana;
- Digital Humanities;
- "Controlling the Sea? Environment and Health in mediterranean and atlantic cities (1870-1940)", Julho 2017 até Junho 2020. Projecto de pós-doutoramento.
- “Visões de Lisboa. Ciência, tecnologia e medicina (CTM) e a construção de uma capital tecno-científica (1870-1940)”, (PTDC/IVC-HFC/3122/2014, finaciado pela FCT), 2016-2019.
- "TRANSENVIR. A historical approach of the "Environmental Transition': socio-political innovations to manage environmental risks in urban environments (1950s-2000s)", ANR - LARHRA, Lyon, 2016-2019
- "PLURISQ. Risk and Interdisciplinarity in a suburban area of Lyon", Labex IMU, Lyon, 2015-2017
Publicações (selecção)
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, "La relation environnement/santé face à un nouveau contexte scientifique en Espagne entre 1880 et 1940", Symposium proceedings Health and Environment, (forthcoming). [title in English: "The relationship between environment and health facing a new scientific context in Spain 1880-1940"]
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, "La tuberculose et la surpopulation urbaine en Espagne au début du XXe siècle". Histoire, Economie, Société, n°1, 2017, p.57-75 [title in English: “Tuberculosis and urban overpopulation in Spain in the early twentieth century”]
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, "L’architecture au service de la santé : l’exemple du dispensaire antituberculeux de Barcelone (1934-1936)", Carnets du LARHRA (History research centre, Lyon), 2016, p. 131-149. [title in English: “Architecture in the service of health: the example of the anti-tuberculosis dispensary of Barcelona, 1934-1936”]
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, “Controlar la ciudad para eliminar la endemia: la prevención antituberculosa en la Barcelona del primer tercio del siglo XX” in CASALS, Vicenç, BONASTRA, Quim, Espacios de control y regulación social. Ciudad, territorio y poder (S. XVII-XX), coll. La Estrella Polar, Ediciones del Serbal, 2014, p.235-252. ISBN: 978-84-7628-757-6. [Title in English: “Controlling the city to eliminate the disease: the case of anti-tuberculosis prevention in Barcelona, 1920-1936”]
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, Book Review, “Vicente Pérez Moreda, David-Sven Reher, Alberto Sanz Gimeno, La conquista de la salud. Mortalidad y modernización en la España contemporánea. Marcial Pons Historia, Madrid, 2015. 474 p.”, Annales de Démographie Historique (ADH), n°132, 2016/2, p 281-282. ISBN : 978-27-0119-878-1
- MIRALLES BUIL, Celia, Book Review: “Laurent Coudroy de Lille, Céline Vaz, Charlotte Vorms (éd.), L’urbanisme espagnol depuis les années 1970. La ville, la démocratie et le marché, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 307 p., ISBN 978-2-7535-2671-6”, Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 4/2014 (n° 61-4/4 bis), p. 187-188.