Projecto H2020 Heracles destacado como história de sucesso pela Comissão Europeia
30 maio 2018

O projecto H2020 HERACLES, em que participam cinco CIUHCTers - Maria Paula Diogo, Paula Urze e Bruno Borges (Task leaders W.P.10.1 e 10.2) e Ana Simões e Marta Lourenço (Ethical Board), foi selecionado como European Commission Sucess Story, premiando a elevada qualidade científica dos resultados e o seu amplo trabalho interdisciplinar.
Excerto do artigo:
The HERACLES project is designing and testing a systems-based approach for protecting cultural heritage in the face of climate change. It is developing systematic methods of identifying, assessing and evaluating the risks a monument might face and incorporating these into an online ICT platform. As well as the risks, the platform will also offer information on both preventative measures as well as remediation measures when damage has already occurred.
When completed, HERACLES will be a resource for a variety of users, including conservators, municipalities, town planners, government agencies and companies – all those responsible for cultural heritage and involved in its preservation.