The Tools of the Art: Astra Project Conference
Mosteiro da Batalha
06 maio até 07 maio 2023

The Tools of the Art is the first academic meeting organised by the ASTRA Project. Several scholars will gather to debate the state of research on the historical study of astrological techniques and discuss new lines of study.
The conference is sponsored by the Monastery of Batalha in collaboration with the Astra project, with the support of CIHUCT (University of Lisbon) and M. Moleiro Editor.
The goal of the conference is to discuss the history of astrological doctrines and practices. Particular attention will be given to the creation, application, and development of astrological techniques: the principles and concepts that form the core of the astrological interpretation.
Despite astrology’s importance in pre-modern culture, the academic study of its functioning has been sparse. The Astra Project seeks to fill this gap by bringing a deeper historical understanding of astrology’s inner workings, thus offering an essential key to the comprehension of this cultural phenomenon. This conference is the first step towards that goal.
The conference will be held in honour of Helena Avelar (1964–2021) who first promoted it.
Jean-Patrice Boudet · Université d’Orléan
Steven Vanden Broecke · Ghent University
Charles Burnett · The Warburg Institute
Martin Gansten · Lunds Universitet
Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum · University of Wales Trinity St David
Stephan Heilen · Universität Osnabrück
David Juste · Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jeffrey Kotyk · Università di Bologna
Levente László · Eötvös University
Günther Oestmann · Technische Universität Berlin
Luís Campos Ribeiro · University of Lisbon
Petra G. Schmidl · University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Information and registration: