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11 set
15 set '23
Outros Eventos
RUTTER Training School: The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts15 jun '23
Outros Eventos
Seminário Ásia-Europa, 1500-1800: Relevância histórica da pesquisa sobre contacto linguístico em contexto colonial14 jun '23
Outros Eventos
Hi-Phi Seminar: On the concept of the organism-environment relationship: the origins of ecology through a lake systems study perspective25 mai
26 mai '23
Outros Eventos
II International Workshop: On the Origin and Evolution of the Nautical Chart18 mai '23
Outros Eventos
Seminário Ásia-Europa, 1500-1800: Como investiguei e escrevi "Words out of Bounds: The Persianate in Portuguese India"11 mai '23
Outros Eventos
Hi-Phi Seminar: Public Participation in Sciences and Arts. A solitary or co-creative process?08 mai '23
Outros Eventos
Mechanism and its Enemies: New perspectives on the relation between machines and organisms